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Welcome to Derby Athletic ClubMoorways Stadium, Moor Lane, Derby, DE24 9HY Correspondence to: Moorways Stadium, Moor Lane, Derby, DE24 9HY

How to find us

Derby Athletic Club

Moorways Stadium
Moor Lane
DE24 9HY

The stadium is easy to find, especially if you use the local landmark known as the Spider Island bridge on the ring road.

From the bridge, you need to head north west (towards the Sainsbury’s and B&Q shopping area) on the A5111 (Osmaston Park Road) to the first set of traffic lights, where you turn left onto Moor Lane.

Go around 75m up Moor Lane, then turn left, and follow the road through the swimming pool car park to the DAC car park. The clubhouse is at the rear of the stand.